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Conflict Resolution, Relationship Mediation, Psychotherapeutic Coaching.

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Experienced Mediator and Coach

I've been supporting people to resolve both professional and interpersonal conflicts within relationships, families, and organisations since 2016.

I specialise in cases with complex emotions; where people have invested a lot and the stakes are high – in families, business partnerships, and lifelong friendships.

I'm also an accredited life coach with the Association for Coaching. And a trainee Sex and Relationship Therapist at the Contemporary Institute of Clinical Sexology. My practice is informed by my studies and my work as a mental resilience trainer; I seek to include all parts of your being – psycho-social, emotional, spiritual and professional into the quest to reach your goals.


Expert Help With Life's Sticky Problems

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Conflict is a normal part of any healthy relationship. After all, two people can’t be expected to agree on everything, all the time. The key is not to fear or try to avoid conflict but to learn how to resolve it in a healthy way.


When conflict is mismanaged, it can cause great harm to a relationship, but when handled in a respectful, positive way, conflict provides an opportunity to strengthen the bond between people, and provides the energy to move towards a new equilibrium.

Read more here or get in touch for a commitment free exploration of how I can support you in your unique situation.


I have an integrative approach to coaching where I seek to include the entirety of your being – psycho-social, emotional, spiritual. This means attending to the things that get in the way of you living in the way that you want to with compassion and curiosity.


The shadow of ambitious and goal driven coaching can be emotional repression and chronic stress. My aim is to cultivate balance between nurturance and self-exploration, and the goals and projects that animate you.

Read more here or get in touch for an informal chat about working together.


I identify as queer and non-binary. My practice is queer friendly, trans-inclusive, and feminist. I'm in an ongoing process of learning about race through reading and study groups. I'm understanding and supportive of sexual diversity, including kink, non-monogamy, queerness, and sex-positivity. I am equally supportive of people's choice to adopt more traditional relationship structures.

In my mediation practice I think carefully about how societal power structures are recreated within relationships. I see acknowledging and balancing the power arising through systems of oppression as a key part of my work.

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"Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently."

Maya Angelou


Bristol, UK


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